Some Artists I’m Enjoying Right Now

Photo by Steve Johnson at Pexels



I’m making an effort to blog for seven days straight. I’m on day three. I’m trying to make a habit out of it, and I didn’t think I could really mentally commit to the 21 days or whatever it takes to establish a new habit, so I am starting with a week.

Today I want to share some artists’ websites that I am really enjoying right now. They aren’t super active in terms of blogging all the time, but they do all have quite a bit of material to browse through. I found each of these artists just through Google searching and surfing around the internet. So here we go!



First is Vanessa Valencia in Tucson, Arizona. Her website is called A Fanciful Twist, and everything about it is indeed, fanciful. I love her Instagram as well. Her style is really different from anything I’ve seen before, and I have really enjoyed browsing her work.


Second is Susie Lubell, showing her work over at She is an abstract artist living in Israel. Her work has inspired me to make my own attempts at abstract pieces. They came out crummy; maybe I’ll post them later. But I enjoyed the process and exploration of a new method. I also enjoyed reading her letters to her kiddos on the blog page. So sweet.

This piece is called, “Does this nail polish go with my depression?”

I love it!


The third artist I want to talk about is Tara Leaver. You can find her art here, and her blog/teaching materials here. She teaches art and offers some courses on how to “loosen up” your work so it’s not so rigid and perfectionistic. I enjoyed her blog posts to that effect. If you like her work, you can buy it here.




So that’s it! Are there any artists you are really enjoying right now? Post links in the comments! (Feel free to link to your own site if you are a writer or an artist yourself!)


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